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Wk06_Sensors And Feedback, group choices

•  Choices & Groupings for Final Projects are still blurry
This class is about concrete exposure to Sensors.
•  What we are up to: assignment #1 #2 # 3 are now done, 

Take photos
Ask me to explain if I am too fast
Take screenshots
Take notes

Intrinsic motivation - mostly theory

•  Attendance
•  Check your Unreal assignment 
•  What have we learned 2 weeks ago?
•  Theory - the Gestalt Theory and Feedback
•  Plug a game controller in and use the D-Pad (directional pad, left-down cross-shaped), hit the jump button and shoot yellow balls. Image result for xbox controller schematic
•  Groups Final Projects discussion and narrowing

The Gestalt Theory and Feedback:
What is Feedback (NOTE: it is Designers that design feedback these days)? A perceptive response given by a system, or a product (see why Gestalt is related to this).
see technical origins of the word:
What is the Gestalt theory? A theory relying on shape transformations and perception
heavily borrowed in the field of Interface Design.

Sensors and Electronics:
•  2 types: 
Switch ON-OFF  and Volume button
Image result for arcade buttonTurn v1.4.1
Unreal and sensors: 
•  the game controller, the quickest way to access INPUT under 1 hour and under 40$
•  Open a new 1st person template
These are your basic INPUTS. What is an Input?
•  Plug Zero-Delay board and test Joystick and Buttons just like a regular controller

Image result for zero delay controller

•  Plug-in cable only and cause contact (may disrupt your USB port and you might have to re-plug it).
•  That was only Switches.
•  Now let’s do MIDI and look at Continuous input (Unreal will need a Midi Plugin to be installed and the I-cubeX drivers too).
•  We are using the I-cubeX Midi USB microDig system made by Infusion Systems as our hardware:
NOTE the sensor plugged-in with 3 pins (red, white, black) as an Input. We are using the Infra-Red reach sensor which detects easily the distance of the hand continuously.
ReachFar v1.3
•  Activate MIDI in Plugins Menu in Unreal (after going to the Marketplace and downloaded the plugin).

•  See the Input on the Midi System application 
Editorx-73 sensor inputs.png
•  See the input in Unreal on a Cube’s Color channel

•  Notice the values smoothly changing from 0 to 1 (remember Interpolation?) as i move my hand closer and farther
That is what we call CONTINUOUS
•  Other sensors exist such as the ones in your phone —> pls name two
•  Are they Continuous? 
•  How do you fake Continuous Input with Switches? That’s Digital for you
•  For pushing an app to your phone:
1 - Download the "" project file in the _Wk6 shared folder.
2 - “turn android phone into developer mode” (Search Google for)
3 - Install Android SDK for Unreal on your laptop (ugly but you’ll get there)
4 - Plug your phone on laptop & open Unreal and look at the launch Options on top-right of screen
5 - any project you already have must be converted into Android in Platform Settings
6 - push Android app in Unreal - launcher to your phone
•  Note the Phone Unreal app working with the Joystick on USB directly :)
•  Check out the insides of a 4 switch (red buttons) Joystick:
Related image
•  Groups discussion about the Final Projects

•  Unreal Practice: - Use headphones!! And please find a free buzzing fly sound or another loop-able sound in the .wav format (pronounced "wave" sound format), helicopter sounds can work, fans, etc... I trust you will get that easily.
When you have found your sound, just drag and drop it into the Content Browser inside Unreal directly from your Finder or Explorer window.
Please NOTE: everyone should be up-to-date with assignments 1, 2 and 3 by Monday night March 4th. I will apply a mark reduction to these next week if they are presented then, only 2 people have a specific extension.
For anyone presenting a late assignment: just PLAY it, make a video and send me the video with voice comments.
Thanks, PG
