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Wk05_ Theory: Emerging Tech and Intrinsic Motivation

•  Sick teacher last week :(  so we’ll try to make it up and mix-in content from more classes in 1. A catch-up class will be scheduled soon.
This class is about the theory part of the course, let’s reflect on what we’re doing here ;). Experience Design needs its own class but I'll have to re-integrate it differently later.
•  What we have to catch up on: 
Assignment #1 is replaced with Class 4's assignment. We're at 20% of marks before Reading Week. 
We need more practice so we are doing another Unreal assignment: Assignment #3 is converted into an Unreal Assignment and values at 10%, see it at the end of this blog post.
Do more XP Design
Take photos
Ask me to explain if I am too fast
Take screenshots
Take notes
PS: I need a video volunteer to film me in class please, this will get you a 10% participation mark on, Best, PG

BPs and Interpolation (Timeline Node), Floats, Transform, Vectors

•  Attendance
•  Check your Unreal assignment 
•  What have we learned 2 weeks ago?
•  Theory - about ETech
•  Groups Formation & hopefully brainstorming 

There are children playing in the streets who could solve some of my top problems in physics because they have modes of sensory perception that I lost long ago. 
—J. Robert Oppenheimer, nuclear physicist 

A new Assignment given from last week was given to you, watch:
1 - Alex Manu talking about Foresight
2 - Tim Brown about Circular Design
•  Who’s who. 
The main question I asked you is:   
“what are designers going to do now and in the near future? TVs?”
Watch the slides taken off A.Manu's talk in this week's Folder on GDrive.
The title of our course is: “Emerging Technologies
See a coincidence between the videos and the course title?

So what is Emergent Technology ? A.Manu mentions the Emerging Present.
Emergence: how complex things emerge from simple parts (flocks of birds, Twitter?)
Pls also review this document for additional concepts on Design and Play:

1st word: DIGITAL (really, haven't we been there since 25 years?)
•  What’s emerging in tech? What are trends?
    IoT, AI, VR, MR, XR in professional environments, care of the elderly (sensors, daily phone calls…)
•  What’s emerging in Design? What are trends? Forces?
    Experience Design, Human-Centered Design.. Apps… 
    AI, Blockchain, Digital Twins, Digital Assistant (Amazon Echo), Sensor-equipped clothing, New shortened 1980's shows & toys
Circular Design
•  Is product still the king?
•  What about this idea of Platforms?

•  What about software?
•  What about software + hardware systems? Or hybrids
•  What about these things (even products) we didn’t know we needed until they showed up?
•  Is it really about the self only?

•  What about transforming fields and companies? Such as cars? Such as tools becoming Home Improvement Platforms :)

•  Why Circular Design today? Reason: it all ends up in a landfill, we need to stop that.
•  Is Digital making the situation worse? Why is it so strong then?

•  The thing about inspiration and desire. Intrinsic Motivation
It is not about Money anymore, but what you can do for this world.
It is about pure Value.
•  Why are you here? Isn't it related to liking what you do?
•  What do you want to design? What’s the emergent trend you are spotting in there?
•  OR simply put, what’s great according to you and where do you want to be next?
•  Do you want to be an entrepreneur? An inventor? Got an idea(s)?
Elon anywhere?
List a few fields in Design where you want to be.

•  One example on the Mapping idea, always map when doing Design Research: A.Manu, Emerging Context Data Set (2017)

Now let’s do the Final Project groups.
And start brainstorming if we have the time.

A •  Re-Assignment: please watch the 2 videos above about Foresight and Circular Design
B •  Check your marks sometime this week later, and make sure you are up-to-date.
C •  Assignment #3 (10%):
assemble 2 things you already know: trigger a Timeline effect using a Collision Box
•  You will use two Unreal projects in this assignment, bring an asset from a project to the other one and add a Collision behavior to it.
•  Create a new Unreal project with First Person and No Starter Content

•  Close your new project after it opens automatically.
•  Open the "" in the Wk5 folder in our Google Drive share 
•  Select the OCADU_CubeBlueprint and right-click on it, follow the contextual menu to "Asset Actions" and choose "Migrate".
•  You are going to put this BP into your new project created earlier. In order to achieve that, your BP must land into the Content Folder of the new project it is going to (both projects can be started at the same time if you wish). So follow the prompts:
a - make sure your BP is the asset you are Migrating

b - look for your new Project Folder first, and inside it, select the project's Content Folder and accept (my new project is called OCADU_HitBoxTimeline). Remember: you always look into the Project Folder first.

•  Open your new project, and now you can see the OCADU_CubeBlueprint has been copied (Migrated) into it. Make sure you set the Content Browser filter to see BPs. 

•  Select the BP, drag it into the level (3D scene) 
•  Set it to Moveable in the Details panel on the right.
•  PLAY, you should see it moving the same way it did in the previous project (it is using the script it has inside).
•  Now open the BP, go into the Event Graph and delete the "EventBeginPlay" node.
•  Open the BP again, open the Viewport tab, and add a component (green button top left "+Add Component") named Box Collision (you've done it before using the "BP_FundamentalsClasses" project, see week 3).

•  Set the Box Collision's scale at 3, 3, 3 and position it around the original cube.
•  Your mission is the following: make the cube move when the player moves around and touches the Collision Box. This is re-using previous skills, so you should be easily doing this.

0 = not submitted (you have another week but 3 points will be taken out next week since it's easier for you with the samples files revealed)
5 = 50% of the work accomplished
10 = 100%
must work "live" on your computer when I am looking at it (not later without taking points off), this rule will get enforced on Week 5, the reason is that I will provide the corrections in-class right afterward.
