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Wk04_ INTERPOLATION with BPs = move things

•  We’re on track, I am expecting next class that you will get more “on-hands” because we want to launch some theoretical subjects. That projector thing doubled with the buggy file threw me over a bit :-// :-//!.
•  What we have to catch up on: for now we’ve skipped the Assignment #1 3Dimport which you will do in-class next week
the BPs Assignment #2 was covered (criteria now back-posted on Wk03 blog entry)
Take photos
Ask me to explain if I am too fast
Take screenshots
Take notes
PS: I need a video volunteer to film me in class please, this will get you a 10% participation mark on, Best, PG

BPs in general & Basics - Events (red BP nodes) OnComponentBeginOverlap - SetSimulatePhysics - XYZ, XYZ, XYZ - the main file we've worked on since the start of the class: BP_FundamentalsClasses:
Thinking about your Final Project, groups, ideas etc...

for all new objects you will create, please have names begin with: “OCADU-objectName”
BP = Blueprint :)
In any project you do please put your comments in the Level Blueprint accessible from the menu on top of your scene / Level
for small lessons and new functionality: open a blank template file with NO Starter Content, please (explained in Week 3).
Good Practice: leave notes in Level Blueprint for anyone who looks at your file later (including you).

Other basics that you will get covered later
•  3D import
•  Materials
•  Blocking volume
•  Color
•  Plus

Utilities to have in mind: 
•  Delay 
•  Print String
•  Event Tick
•  Drag object to Level Blueprint
•  Leave yourself Notes: by selecting 2 BPs together minimum select  “Create Comment From Selection”
Concepts to have in mind:
•  Vector = a variable entity that contains 3 numbers
•  Float = a number with a decimal (Floating Point) ex: 1.233
•  Integer = a number with NO decimal, ex: 2
•  Transform = x3 Vectors = Position (XYZ) Orientation (XYZ) Scale (XYZ) = 9 values together in one variable
•  String = almost any characters like: MyName, 123you2Aregreat
•  !! Interpolation = computer function of filling-up the space in-between 2 values (2 to 5.533 for example)
•  Keyframe = animation basic term, one value set on a Timeline Curve at a specific time
•  Variable = an entity like a number, a String, a Boolean (find out yourself if curious, we’ll touch on them in class eventually). They are subject to change in-game.
You create Variables on the left of your Blueprint window

Things covered:
•  Variable creation (see below assignment has an example of it)
Getting a variable means "feeding" it to another node, that other node is AddActorLocalRotation needs to know the value recorded inside.
Example in the file named "" provided in the Wk4 folder (this week), open the Level Blueprint (top bar, middle) to find the script. Create Variable by clicking on +Variable button, set Variable to "Rotator", compile, add 10 on the Z value in Details.

Drag Variable from left panel into BP background

Get Variable

Attach (or "feed" if you like) the Variable into the AddActorLocalRotation node.
•  Timeline: see the reference file named "" in Wk4 folder
pls see the Wk3 assignments to learn them:
Timeline 1 & 2(lerp)
Note that you can add a Vector Track and use curves to drive your values in time (2ble-click on timeline node)

Assignment #1 (10%):
Move the cube by interpolation.
•  Open the "" in the Wk4 in our Google Drive share folder
•  2ble-click on the "OCADU_Timeline" Level
•  set your PlayerStart position to X=-300, Y and Z stay the same
•  open the "OCADU_CubeBlueprint"
•  copy-paste the bottom Timeline script 

•  delete the PrintString node coming out of the green Set node
•  delete the Lerp node coming out of the green cable from the green Set node
•  attach a SetActorTransform node to the white cable output of the green Set node
•  attach a "Lerp(Transform)" node to the green cable output from the green Set node
•  rename your new Timeline node to "OCADU_Timeline_3" - optional

•  Create a new Variable in the left panel hitting the +Variable button
•  in the right-side Details panel, switch the type of the new Variable to a Transform (orange) and rename it to "OCADU_TransformEnd"

•  hit Compile, now you can choose to leave numbers to 0 or change a few in the Details Panel of your Variable, if it's all at 0, it will be the center of the world (that's the destination of your cube).

•  Ignore red warnings on Lerp node (it needs inputs)
•  drag the new OCADU_TransformEnd Variable into the Blueprint background and select Get OCADU_TransformEnd
•  attach OCADU_TransformEnd Variable to "B" input of the Lerp(Transform) node

•  attach a "GetActorTransform" node to the "A" input of the Lerp(Transform) node (This will allow your cube to move to the center from wherever it is at the game start)

•  Oh, and don’t forget to set OCADU_CubeBlueprint (In the LEVEL scene!!) to Movable, select it in the World Outliner on the right side
•  attach the EventBeginPlay to the OCADU_Timeline_3 and PLAY
•  your cube moves to the center of the world, keep in mind you should start with your cube place far away to see the effect

0 = not submitted (you have another week but 3 points will be taken out next week since it's easier for you with the samples files revealed)
5 = 50% of the work accomplished
10 = 100%
must work "live" on your computer when I am looking at it (not later without taking points off), this rule will get enforced on Week 5, the reason is that I will provide the corrections in-class right afterward.
